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Snake Doctor Farmstead -AKKPS 42176

 AKKPS 42176 - Rio Grande

COI 2.9%

Sally X Tuahuru

2 Wattles

After losing Jade a daughter of Rio we was a bit worried that we could possibly LOSE our precious Sally Lineage from Rio being that Cosmos likes to have BOARS!  My Friend at SDF  Came to our rescue because she owns a Rio Daughter!  She produced this beautiful Rio Grande daughter!! To keep  Rios name sake we named her Rio Grande!  I am so excited and thankful to have her!

Piney Creek Farm Trish 22 -Butterbean

AKKPS 8912

COI 4.3%

Trish X Tonganui

2 Wattles!

This is Butterbean!  She is a beautifully put together sow with amazing stocky legs and makes gorgeous big babies! She joined us in fall 2019 and we are excited to finally have a new sow lineage! 


Green Isaac Homestead Jenny 7 - Patsy

 AKKPS 12374 - Patsy Cline

COI 7.3%

Jenny X BH Tutaki

 0 Wattles

We are soo excited to have this gorgeous Jenny girl!  I've been  in love with her for a long time and I finally had had the chance to bring her home and I am so thankful that Denise  gave me a chance and  she is carrying a special litter from my friend Denise at Snake Doctor farmstead's boris boar Hoda!


Wrotens Way Jenny 4 - Willow

AKKPS 25595

COI 4.4%

Jenny X Whakanui

2 Wattles

This is Miss Willow  Shes our new Jenny sow and we are excited to see how she does and hopefully she has the famous Jenny mothering ability!  

Pig Trail KuneKunes Rona 1 - Ginger


AKKPS 9030

COI 5.7%

Rona X Ru

2 Wattles!

 Our only retained daughter from our boar Jasper that passed after a tragic accident...   Ginger has a gorgeous Ru head and deep body and width we love! 


Virginia KuneKunes Sally 2 - Rio

AKKPS 3351

COI 2.4%

Sally X Ru

2 Wattles!

Another  Stunning Ginger and black sow! Miss Rio is legendary as a sow in our book! I really cannot say enough amazing things about the Sally lineage!  Rio is around 300 lbs  and is literally the sweetest thing i've ever seen and the BEST mother!



Rio is now retired and no longer has babies with her old age. But she will remain with us till she passes of old age.

Let It Be KuneKunes Kereopa 3 - Prairie Fire

AKKPS 10465

COI 4.3%

Kereopa X Tuahuru 

Ginger and black 

Non Wattled

We are soo excited to have our first Kereopa lined girl! she has a beautiful head and body even though she lacks wattles she is sure to produce lots of wattled babies with one of our big kune boars! Her current litter with our Whakanui boar had 100% wattled babies in it!


Rocky Creek AR Farm BH Rebecca Gina 3 -Midnight

AKKPS 10356

COI 4.8%

BH Rebecca Gina X Tonganui


Both Wattles!

We are really excited to have our first all black kunekune and MAN is she stunning!  We have her with our BH Tutaki boar George for their first babies! Thank you Rocky Creek for this new girl! shes amazing!

Let It Be KuneKunes TaruTaru 2 - Andromeda

AKKPS 15141

COI 2.3%

Tarutaru  X Tonganui

White/Brown (Kinda creamy or light ginger/brown really)

2 Wattles!


Our beautiful Tarutaru from let it be kunekunes! Andromeda is a gorgeous unique colored kunekune and one of the lowest COI sows we have!  We look forward to our  first Tarutaru  piglets!


Let It Be KuneKunes Momona 11 - Octavia 

AKKPS 15148

COI 6.4%

Momona  X Whakanui


2 Wattles! 

Another gorgeous Let it be Kunekunes pig!  Octavia is absolutely a beast! She is the longest back gilt i've ever seen and not only is she long but also extremely wide!  I really am excited to see how she keeps maturing and hopefully see our first Momona piglets in 2022! 



Pig Trail KuneKunes Trish 4 - PintoBean

AKKPS 18520

COI 3.5%

Trish X Whakanui


2 Wattles! 

A keeper from our own farm!! A Butterbean X Galaxy Daughter is absolutely stunning in everyway! Her head caught my eye straight out of the  sow LOL! Her long level topline is to die for! I literally can't wait to see this girl grow up and carry on our Pig Trail Kunekunes name!


Pig Trail KuneKunes Tapeka 1 - Princess

AKKPS 47177

COI 4.2%

Tapeka X Ru

Ginger & Black

Non wattled

This girl was love at first sight for me considering she was NOT expected! Her mother gave birth to 4 boarlings and went and ate dinner, I checked on her that night and I admitted defeat I was JUST getting 4 boarlings and the next morning I came out to THIS girl!  I couldn't believe it! Biggest surprise from our "Queen Evelyn" She gave us a PRINCESS!


Pig Trail KuneKunes Rona 19 - AppleJack

AKKPS  21977

COI 6.3%

Rona X BH Tutaki

Ginger & Black

0 Wattles

This girl is going to be FANTASTIC! I tried SOO hard to have a  BH Tutaki/Rona breeding and IT FINALLY happened!  Can we say DEEP & that head is gorgeous!  I won't knock a gorgeous pig for not having wattles! She had 6 beautiful piglets her first time having piglets and all was 100% Wattled!



Pig Trail KuneKunes Kereopa 1 - Desert Rose

AKKPS 20119

COI 5.4%

Kereopa  X Ru

Ginger & Black

2 Wattles


This girl is my first Kereopa keeper and she is looking wonderful so far! I can't wait to see how her first pairing goes this spring! I think our Tutaki boar Atticus will be a great sire for her first litter!


Pig Trail KuneKunes Kereopa 4 - Honeysuckle

AKKPS 24958

COI 4.5%

Kereopa  X Whakanui


2 Wattles


As soon as I set eye's on this gilt I KNEW she was going to stay! Honeysuckle is everything I have been looking for and her color is just icing on the cake!  Shes long and has depth and a stunning round blocky head! is it fall 2023 yet !? I cannot WAIT to see this girl's babies!



Snake Doctor Farm Haunene 7 - Shadowdancer

AKKPS 29684

COI 3.7%

Haunene X Ru


2 Wattles


This big gorgeous Gilt is our first Haunene girl! I'm so excited to see how this new sow lineage brings along our herd! Thank you Snake Doctor Farm!  We also have her Sister named Sundancer!


Snake Doctor Farm Haunene 5 - Sundancer

AKKPS 29682

COI 3.7%

Haunene X Ru


2 Wattles


This stunning  Gilt is our second Haunene girl! I'm so excited to see how this new sow lineage brings along our herd! Thank you Snake Doctor Farm!  



Pig Trail KuneKune's Rona 21 - Bellatrix

AKKPS 30753 

COI 3.8%

Rona X Whakanui

Ginger belted

2 Wattles


I hold this Rona lineage close to my heart and when I seen this girl pop out from Ginger I knew she was a keeper! She is a unique  Ginger Belted! Her mother is one of the largest sows here and I'm excited to see just how big of a sow this girl makes!


Pig Trail KuneKune's Momona 6 - Milkyway

AKKPS 30845

COI 6.5%

Momona X Whakanui

White/Black High white

2 Wattles


 This gorgeous girl is our retained Momona girl from Octavia! She has everything going for her and a nice teat set! She should follow in her mothers footsteps!



Farmhouse KuneKunes Tarutaru 1 - Golden Delicious

AKKPS 35509

COI 7.2%

Tarutaru X Tuahuru


0 Wattles




Farmhouse KuneKunes Tarutaru 2 - Muddy Maiden

AKKPS 35511

COI 7.2%

Tarutaru X Tuahuru


2 Wattles





Malvitz Family Farm Aria Giana 26 -Sriracha

AKKPS 33965

COI 3.7%

Aria Giana X Ru

Tri Belted

2 Wattles


Our First Aria Giana! This flashy girl is growing in leaps and bounds and I can't wait to show you guys how far shes come in just a months time!  Come on 2024!! I have huge plans!! It's HOT SAUCE!!!




LD's Tapeka 4 - Evelyn Archibald

AKKPS 34696

IKHR 38445

COI 4.3%

Tapeka X Andrew

Tri Belted

2 Wattles



Evelyn has just arrived here and she is a BIG girl! She seems sweet so far and we are really excited to pick out future boars for her and hope in a few short months we will see our first Tapeka litter!

Evelyn is a tri belt although it is hard to see sometimes!


TPT Trish (TBD) - JellyBean

AKKPS 39146

COI 4.3%

Trish X Tutaki


2 Wattles


We wanted to keep a extra trish gilt  around for a back up and last year Butterbean gave us this adorable chonker! Jellybean girl is carrying on the BEAN family name!




SDF Jenny 15 - Tula

AKKPS 38010

COI 4.5%

Jenny X Tuahuru

Cream belted

2 Wattles


This beautiful girl is almost yearling now and we are soo excited to see what she produces for us! We will probably breed her in Nov/Dec for Spring 2025!





ETX Gemstone Eggers Awakino - Raisin Pie

AKKPS 48960

COI 3.3%

Awakino X Mahia Love


2 Wattles


I'm so absolutely ticked at this beautiful headed thick girl! I've been on the hunt for a Awakino a while and the stars aligned!  We hope Raisin Pie will be Raisin' some pretty babies for us in 2025!




Camanna Tarutaru 5 - Layla

AKKPS 7422

COI 1.9%

Tarutaru X Boris


2 Wattles


I had the chance to bring this gorgeous sow home and I jumped at it! This extremely large sow is  a mothership to ALOT of Tarutaru sows!  She is older but I hope we atleast get a few litters from her before retiring, She is the mother to Golden Delicious and Muddy maiden and also the Grandmother of Andromeda!​





How to contact us :


Leeanna McKnight

Text is best then I will call if nothing is going on due to children who think every phone call is Grandma regardless of who it is!


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